As soon as they are gathered, the truffles are briefly brushed, without washing , since the ground protects
them and keep the flavour and taste to last longer.
Washing them immediately, they loose their typical features, absorb water and become soft and molded
after a few days.
For this reason the Chefs know very well that the truffles have to be brushed only few minutes before serving them.
Truffles are very perishable , therefore they must be stored into a fridge at a temperature of +2°/+4° C
(35.6/39.2 F) into a cotton cloth in a closed box and change it if wet.
They are shipped by air in a polystyrene parcel containing iced gel and delivered at customer’s address
within 24 hours to Europe and 48 hours to North America.
ITALIA Truffles always guarantees an hassle free process of shipping and delivery, in case of delays or
inconvenience that anyway happens rarely (about 5%). We always compensate with extra free truffles with your next order, refund, resend what arrived rotten or whatever solution proposed by the customer.